Vote for Best Pumpkin Beer!
It’s that time of year, where the shelves are lined with pumpkin everything. That includes the beer aisle, which is decked out in pumpkin beer. While it seems brewers are challenged from making a unique version of this beer, some have tried pumpkin stouts, pumpkin chai latte, and have gone the Imperialized route. With that said, this style is very polarizing. You either love it or hate it, and nothing in between. We’d like to present you with our Best Pumpkin Beer Poll, where we ask you to pick from a list of very popular pumpkin beers, or you can smash the option of I HATE PUMPKIN BEER. If your beer isn’t on the list, please feel free to write it in. If it gets more than five write ins, we will add it to the poll. Have fun!
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October 6, 2016 @ 11:02 am
4 Noses Pump Action Pumkin…should absolutely be on the list
September 27, 2016 @ 11:27 am
I would have voted for Southern Tier Warlock had it been on the list.