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  1. Jeffrey Wayne Hotson
    February 17, 2019 @ 11:52 am

    When I heard about Ballast Point joining Constellation and researching Constellation, I found that the conglomerate is not for me and the way we do business. Therefore, we stopped selling BP at our pub in La Crosse, Wis.


  2. Michael Lightner
    February 14, 2019 @ 1:04 pm

    Their entire marketing platform for the last few years has been to forget about beating craft, but rather blur the lines to the point where the casual beer fan literally can’t tell the difference without research or a “snobby” friend who asks if it’s autmnal. God I loved it when The Mountain crushed the head of the Bud Knight! But again, Bud wins because I’m talking about it (eyeroll). It bums me out when friends ask what brands they are supposed to hate. I tell them hey, do what you want but here are some that trying to fool you and want to keep you in the dark.


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