Twisted Pine Canis Lupulus IIPA Release Party TOMORROW!
On January 7th, Twisted Pine Brewing Company debuted the first beer in their popular new Artisan Ale Project to a full house at the brewery in Boulder, Colorado. Hundreds of beer and art lovers filed in throughout the afternoon to buy bottles of Surreal Stout and view the displayed works of featured label artist, Allison Boozer. “The turn-out was impressive and the beer was well-received,” proclaims Project Manager Justin Tilotta, “and we’re hoping to build on that success with February’s entry.”
The second installment for the Twisted project will be an Imperial India Black Ale named Canis Lupulus, and is set to launch on Saturday, February 4th at 12pm. The resinous, dark beer was double dry-hopped with Galena and Citra hops and carries a noseful of evergreen and lemon scent. The flavor is a fine demonstration of balance as the roasted malt notes link up with the hops to strike the palate with a pleasantly bitter, satin-smooth finish. Although Canis weighs in at 10% ABV, the alcohol is a passenger on this ride. Hops drive the ale, and the result is a deliciously dank beer with 90 IBU.
Art, of course, plays as big a part in this series as does the beer itself. The label for Canis Lupulus features a piece called “Silver Stars and Moon” by local Boulder artist, Chris Huang, who will be on hand for the release Saturday at the brewery, where his artwork will be displayed throughout the ale house. Huang uses pieces of wood, varying in shape and size, in place of canvas for most of his paintings, an attractive distinction which lends itself nicely to the décor inside Twisted Pine. In addition to his original wooden pieces, the artist will also have prints of the featured piece, as well as many others, on display and available for purchase. And, if January’s release party is any indicator, Huang will also be busy all day signing bottles of Canis.
During the January Artisan Ale release party, Boozer signed more than 70 bottles of Surreal Stout for customers expressing their desire to collect all twelve offerings in 2012. Party-goers showed further appreciation for her art by purchasing several original photographs and more than 25 prints of the piece featured on the label. Boozer summed up “one of the best experiences” she’s had as an artist as follows: “A chance to share my art and drink delicious beer, How can it get any better?”
Details: Canis Lupulus release party – Feb. 4th, 2012 – 12-9p @ Twisted Pine
The Artisan Ale Project is a yearlong celebration of the artistic creativity which makes Colorado unique. Each month in 2012, Twisted Pine will release a new, small batch beer in 750ml bottles with labels featuring a different Colorado artist.