The Bruery Reserve Society Initiation Party 2012 – Recap and Pics
Danny Fullpint provides a quick recap on this past Saturday’s Bruery Reserve Society Initiation Party along with some nice pictures from contributor and RS member Richard Woh. Cheers!
File this under the complete 180 department. A year ago, The Bruery bit off more than they could chew with their 2nd annual Reserve Society Initiation party. With a mile long line to get in, and 3 staff members checking their iphones for ticket verification, folks were none to happy about waiting 1 hour to get into a party, just to wait another 30 minutes to get a 4 oz. pour of beer or food from an under prepared food truck.
This year’s party should make most forget all about that noise. While the rain was coming down pretty steadily, everyone got into the tented party in a jiff, and there was no wait to get beer… AT ALL. Rather than relying on a food truck for catering, The Bruery called upon the reliable and tasty Beachwood BBQ for catering. It wasn’t too crowded, most people had the option of sitting down to eat and drink, and by the last hour of session A, folks were talking, laughing, buzzing, all while getting to try most anything the Bruery has brewed in the last two/three years.
Standout beers of the day for me were Smoking Wood on Cask with Bacon (no lie, the grease gave it a neat mouthfeel), Sour in The Rye with Kumquats and of course Chocolate Rain. I had to take it easy as it was St. Patty’s Day and barely noon. I think The Bruery has the formula down for hosting parties, so anyone leary of them has no reason to me.
March 20, 2012 @ 9:14 am
Agreed, it was very well run this year and I was very impressed. Truly a 180 from last year (which I was unable to attend, but my proxy was not happy at all). Got to try tons of great beers, unique one-offs, and even got my green beer for St. Patrick’s Day.