Head Shot Project with 2Factor Photography
TheFullPint.com has a loose mission statement of making this project our full time job, rather than working a 9-5 for the man. It just so happens Jon, the sole proprietor of 2Factor Photography in Pasadena, CA has the same mission statement as well. Like the Co- CBD’s here at TheFullPint.com, 2Factor Jon is in the I.T. field, and wants to make photography and his photography blog to be his means for providing for his family. While biased, I can’t think of a better mindset than that! Not only does Jon dig photography related stuff, he enjoys good beer as well.
In order to up his game, 2Factor Jon joined many photography groups on twitter, and in turn found a really cool photography bootcamp from a photography blog, Strobist . For his first assignment, he was to create a head shot of a fellow blogger (with a set of stipulations). He chose me, CBD Dan aka Danny Fullpint of Facebook fame for the project. Needless to say, the project turned out really cool. I busted out some cool, empty bottles I keep in my garage, and we used my kitchen to do the shoot.
Follow this link for 2Factor Jon’s blog feature on this project, and a deeper explanation into the photography project.
Strobist Boot Camp II: TheFullPint.com
June 25, 2009 @ 12:37 pm
Without clicking on the full story, it took me a while to realize there was a mug behind the bottles. Kinda creepy.