Bottle Shares at Tasting Rooms Are Inconsiderate
When I first got into visiting brewery tasting rooms, I quickly began meeting like-minded people. People who were really into beer and beer culture. I learned a lot about different beer styles, homebrewing, beer trading, trolling on beer message boards, upcoming festivals, trends and so on.
Another thing that quickly caught my attention was that the customers of the local tasting rooms in my area would always bring a tote bag with a few special bottles with them. As some of these new breweries got more popular and more crowded, I would notice people would start rolling in coolers, and next thing you know, there was a full on bottle share happening. Similarly, there has always been a tradition of bringing bottles to share when standing in line for a brewery only bottle release. While sharing was the main theme going on, there was also a vibe in the air that pointed to one-upmanship. I may be speculating, but that was how I felt.
For a few years, I too would participate in this sub-culture of craft beer. While I consider myself to be more of a leader than a follower, I wanted to fully embrace the culture, so I would also bring in bottles whenever visiting my local tasting rooms. Everyone loves a good bottle share. Being able to sample dozens of beers that would otherwise take tons of effort, all while taking down notes and discussing whether or not the beer was worth the hype was fun and educational for me.
The one day it hit me!
I had this overwhelming notion that bringing in outside beer to a tasting room selling beer at the level others were doing seemed extremely rude and inconsiderate. I can only speak for what I saw a few years ago when I was in the thick of it, and what I hear is still happening these days.
Think of it like this: You want to host a fancy dinner for a group of friends. You want to prepare a prime rib roast with all the trimmings. Three of your friends show up. “Hey, we just got back from crabbing, here’s 20 pounds of crab and a couple pounds of butter, let’s dig in.” They are essentially stealing your thunder and not considering the time, love and effort put into that dinner you’ve been preparing.
Because I also consider beer an art, another analogy that comes to mind would be to show up to a concert in the park and begin listening to other music on your headphones. Having what amounts to a planned gathering with other brewer’s beer in the brewer’s tasting room is doing just that in my view.
Besides the opinion that you might be offending your host and not purchasing their goods (the whole point of going to a brewery tasting room), if you have any taste in beer, you are probably in a tasting room with some amazing, fresh beer.
Another point to consider is you might be adding to the tasting room staff’s workload. I know when I was in the thick of this, often times, extra glassware was provided, and more trash was accumulated due to empty bottles.
I know there are still some “sharing with the community” aspects to bringing special bottles into a tasting room, but to me, the nuisance and lack of consideration outweighs the goodwill.
Are you one of the people who bring bottles into tasting rooms to share? Are you a tasting room staff member? We’d like to hear your opinion on this.
Episode 77: You got your Nitro in my Coffee, you got your Coffee in my Nitro | The Craft Beercast
May 15, 2015 @ 2:09 am
[…] Bottles shares at tasting rooms […]
May 10, 2015 @ 10:08 am
In some states, bringing in your own bottle can be a violation of the specific liquor license and get the place fined or shut down. If you’re sharing, make sure it’s cool with the manager.
May 9, 2015 @ 6:06 pm
I kind of agree with the writer. Unless the proprietors have given permission for a “bottle share day” a lot of the bottle shares I’ve seen are impromptu with only a few people sharing among themselves. Some people take advantage.
May 8, 2015 @ 4:02 pm
I disagree too. Everyone that is into beer knows that people love to share goodies that others may not be able to get their hands on. Whenever I bring a bottle to share with folks I do always order beer from the brewery as well. Its not like I’m showing up with 10 bottles and only drinking my stuff. Plus most breweries don’t allow you to bring in outside stuff nowadays.
May 8, 2015 @ 1:14 pm
I’ve never brought in another breweries beer into a breweries tasting room. I have only brought beer to specific bottle sharing events at Blue Palms Brewhouse, 38 Degrees and Beer Belly. I have not really seen or experienced this. One time at an Anniversary party someone shared a thimble size taste of a bourbon barrel rested beer that was rare. I thought it was a nice gesture but we had plenty to drink all ready without having the taste but it was good and definitely worth trying on a rare occasion. I enjoyed your article and I agree with you. It’s ok if sometimes you ask someone if they’re open to sharing something spur of the moment. At Firestone Barrelworks Jeffries shared some beers with Travis and I and with the Bartender on duty. Just comparing some new beers other breweries were doing compared to similar styles he offered at Firestone Walker Barrelworks. That was a lucky treat and totally different because he works there.
May 7, 2015 @ 3:27 pm
uhhh, no,
try again.
May 7, 2015 @ 2:40 pm
I’d have to disagree here, simply based on my etiquette. My friends and I have bottle shares at a local brewery all the time, usually 4-6 of us. We bring in at least 20 bottles everytime, as well as our own glassware. We make it a point to share with all of the staff that is there. They love us for that. We make sure to buy at least 2 pints each on top. We make sure to clean up after ourselves and be well behaved. They really enjoy having us and depending on the night theyll bring us rounds on the house as a thank you for sharing. As long as you have a great relationship withe the brewery and are respectful I see no harm. Bottom line, don’t be a dick and share!
May 7, 2015 @ 1:36 pm
We have an organized bottle share at the local bottle shop on Thursday evenings. The general rule is that you also buy a pint, a water, and food while there. If the bottle shop is having an event then no bottles are brought into the establishment. Support your local businesses and treat them right and all will be ok. It is when we abuse these and they loose money that it pisses them off.
May 7, 2015 @ 12:03 pm
I vehemently disagree with the author’s point so long as you clear the bottle share with the owner or manager ahead of time. Like it or not, you’re still a guest there and asking ahead of time goes a long ways. I’ve been told they would prefer we don’t do it so we don’t.
Also, if you do have a bottle share in a retail establishment, please tip the wait staff generously. They’re still working (bringing glasses, water, etc.) but you’re taking them away from paying customers.
May 7, 2015 @ 11:52 am
I can see where you’re coming from and I agree that it can place undue stress on the workload of the tasting room. However, I think the analogy of a dinner party isn’t quite accurate. The concert analogy is a more accurate comparison, as it is a paid venue, much like breweries tend to be.
Some patrons may just want a fun place to open a few bottles with friends and instead of doing it at their respective homes, they decide to show patronage at a local brewery. One could say “well I was going to have a bottle share anyway, why not do it somewhere that also serves good beer that I can support?” The opposite viewpoint is “We just want to use your cool space and not actually buy any of your beer.”
I guess it really comes down to the capacity and staff at a tasting room. I’ve been to many where I share pours from special bottles with the staff and business owners and they are infinitely grateful. It brings the customer and business closer together in a way that strictly purchasing their beer might not. I’ve also been to breweries that are packed to the gills and glassware is scarce, even for their own beers. That is the type of environment that usually does not make for a good or respectful bottle share.
I leave the decision of bottle shares (whether it be 2 people or 20) up to the staff and ownership of the brewery in question. Some may greatly appreciate it, some may condemn it on their premises. It isn’t a one-size-fits-all debate.
May 7, 2015 @ 11:29 am
I would respectfully disagree. You imply the “rudeness and disrespect” without asking the actual owner/purveyors for their opinions on the issue. So while I have participated in many a bottle share but do not frequently carry one in (I am after all there to drink their beer!) it seem quite presumptuous of you to apply your flash opinion onto everyone. I think more research is needed and a wider pool of opinion then just the one opinion presented.
I do tend to agree with the comment above however, most of the bottle shares I have participated in were organized and not spontaneous.
May 7, 2015 @ 11:33 am
See, that’s why this is my opinion and not written as fact. This was not a news piece.
May 7, 2015 @ 11:01 am
I completely agree. If it’s an organized bottle share, absolutely. If it’s not an organized bottle share, then no. One consideration is that under certain ABC license terms (and depending on the ABC agent in the area) bringing in and opening bottles NOT from that brewery (including homebrew or commercial) can have legal implications for the brewery! Having an open container on the sidewalk while waiting in line, depending on the community and laws, can violate open-container laws. So, not only can it be inconsiderate, it could also be illegal.
May 7, 2015 @ 10:40 am
I agree for the most part, but it should be up to each individual bar. If a bar has the space & wants to host (and join in, as I imagine the people working there might want a taste as well), then awesome. Otherwise, I agree that it’s wrong to bring in outside beers. I’ve known people who will bring outside food/drink to another restaurant/bar, and they don’t understand how inconsiderate it is.