Voodoo Love Child
From Voodoo Brewing – This is our Gran Met Ale aged on intimate Passion Fruit, Raspberry and Michigan Tart Cherry. Lightly spiced with passion. Light Reddish hue and with a alcohol strength of 10% and nicely carbonated in the bottle. Again Bottle Conditioned and Fermented. Enjoy a couple and have your own Voodoo Love Child later!!!
Voodoo Brewing – Voodoo Love Child – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 9.5% abv. From Trade with Dan from PA.
Appearance: Pours an amber gold with a fluffy white head that eventually subsides to nothing. The body is cloudy with only a few visible rising bubbles.
Aroma: Sweet and sour cherries, possibly some brown sugar as well.
Taste: Sweet and sour cherries, followed by some metallic and bitter hops. Also has a lot Belgian Tripel yeast qualities in the finish. To summarize, it starts sweet and sour and ends dirty and earthy.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and fizzy.
Overall: An interesting beer. I don’t think I’ve ever had one like it. I think I need to try more, or never try it again to appreciate it.
February 21, 2010 @ 2:03 pm
Hell, I was going to try to use the tags, but my HTML is limited to bold and italic…I recently had this stuff too. I liked it. A lot. And you guys were nice enough to let me use your label scan: thanks again.