Sixpoint Puff
From Sixpoint Brewery – Imagine puffing away on hops for days, then just chillin’ as the party starts winding down. But wait, a final burst of energy; one last dose in a tank of dry hops. A special hop bouquet for the afterparty. If you love Resin, try tasting it straight from the tanks. That’s PUFF – a hazy, unfiltered pour with an extra dose of dry hops… a new blend devised just for Puff. We decided to capture our own puffy, cloudy brew in a limited release can. First puff says it all – this ish is Keller. Breathe deep and put your head in the clouds… it’s Mad Science. This cloudy, unfiltered brew is meant to be drank super fresh. Don’t wait to Puff – this beer is code dated for consumption within 100 days. Puff, puff…
Sixpoint Brewery – Sixpoint Puff – 12 oz. can poured into specialty glassware – 9.8% abv.
Appearance: Pours a hazy amber orange with a wispy white cap.
Aroma: Grapefruit and orange essence, ripe cantaloupe, rock sugar.
Taste: The very first sip is a super concentrated nip of hops. Very bitter. After my palate adjusts, pineapple in syrup, candied grapefruit. Long ibu finish. Unreal.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied. Modest carbonation.
Overall: A very flavorful sipper. Reminds me of an old school West Coast Double IPA. Sixpoint really captured as much hop flavor as possible in this one. Very fun to try, and some great packaging/branding to go along with it.