Samuel Adams Utopias 10th Anniversary
From Boston Beer Co. – The 2012 batch of Samuel Adams Utopias is a blend of liquids, some of which have been aged in a variety of wood barrels for 19 years. This long aging process enhances the beer’s distinct vanilla and maple notes, and its high alcohol content creates a heated aroma of ginger and cinnamon. After blending, Samuel Adams Utopias is aged in finishing barrels sourced from all over the world. This year’s batch was finished in single-use bourbon casks from the award-winning Buffalo Trace Distillery to enhance the beer’s distinct vanilla and maple notes. This year’s batch also spent time in a variety of finishing casks: Tawny Port casks and Vintage Ruby Port casks from Portugal and Rum barrels from Nicaragua.
Boston Beer Company – Samuel Adams Utopias 10th Anniversary – On tap at Denver Rare Beer Tasting 2012 – 29% abv.
Appearance: Pours dark red with no head. Light gets through. Looks like syrup.
Aroma: Bourbon, brown sugar, wood.
Taste: Maple sugar, brandy, bourbon, wood, finishes hot.
Mouthfeel: Thick. Hot. No carbonation present.
Overall: Looking back on my tasting notes from last year, this is very similar to last years batch, at least to my mouth it is. I wasn’t ready for the heat on this, so it was like taking a sip of room temperature Makers Mark at first. After the first couple of hot sips and smells, I was able to enjoy the sugary woody complex goodness. As long as we collectively don’t consider this beer, it’s a fantastic sipping beverage. As for the price, it is very expensive, so this is how I view that aspect: it keeps away the college kids who want to chug it on YouTube, and will help you justify not letting your dinner guests finish it like it’s a bottle of inexpensive whiskey. Pair it with a cigar or some very bitter chocolate.
December 3, 2015 @ 12:14 am
This stuff is just nasty, if it was not expensive you could not give it away except to winos