Review – Pliny The Younger
From Russian River Brewing Co. – Pliny the Younger was Pliny the Elder’s nephew, in the case of this beer, the “Younger” is a triple IPA. Pliny the Younger is hopped three times more than our standard IPA, and is dry hopped four different times. Seasonal release (February) available at the pub and for distribution.
Russian River Brewing Co. – Pliny The Younger – 12 oz. – glass poured from draft into a goblet at Lucky Baldwins Pasadena, CA 10.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours an orange gold with 1 inch of dense, fluffy white head.
Aroma: Grapefruit zest and flowers. Some caramel sweetness and a great presence of honeysuckle and pineapple. Finished with some great sturdy bitterness.
Taste: Grapefruit, toffee, caramel and some pine.
Mouthfeel: Unique to the style, this was creamy and sticky, but the stickiness didn’t last long.
Overall: I am so fortunate to have been in the right place at the right time. David of Lucky Baldwins just tapped this keg as I was finishing my Rueben sandwich. The mouthfeel is incredible, because you first think it is going to be too sticky and cloying, but it winds up not being the case. A great showcase of hops and master brewing.
I jumped up and down like a little girl when I found out I got to try this beer. With that said, it’s a little hyped, but really effin’ good at the same time.
January 8, 2010 @ 6:06 pm
I found out that the PtY I had was from an almost year old keg. Could you imagine how awesome it would be fresh? I hope to find out!