Review – Paulaner Salvator
From Paulaner (Paulaner Brauerei (Schörghuber)) – Paulaner Salvator, with its strong, typically malty flavour, is what you could call the “original” Paulaner. The bottom-fermented “Doppelbock” beer combines the finest hops and dark barley malt. The Paulaner monks used to drink Salvator as a food substitute during Lent. The most famous master brewer was Frater Barnabas, who took over the Paulaner monastery brewery in 1773. His original recipe remains practically unchanged to this day. In order to preserve the original, Paulaner registered the name “Salvator” with the patent office in 1896.
Paulaner Brauerei – Paulaner Salvator – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 7.9% abv. Purchased at Whole Foods Market Arroyo, Pasadena, CA.
Appearance: Pours a dark auburn, with a tight knit layer of foam at the top.
Aroma: A fruity mixture of banana and bubblegum. There are also scents of bready grain.
Taste: Sweet and fruity malty flavors, bready yeast , bread crust, and a modest amount of bitter hopping in the end to balance out the sweetness. Also a hint of booze.
Mouthfeel: Thick and full bodied.
Overall: Exactly what I look for in a Double Bock/ Doppelbock! Not too sweet. You know its strong, but its not overpowering with booziness.