Review – Odell Woodcut No. 2
From Odell Brewing Co. – Woodcut No. 2, an oak aged golden ale, was brewed over six months ago on the brewery’s pilot brewing system. The golden ale has been aging in virgin oak barrels and will bottle condition in cork finish, 750 ml bottles. Crafted with fine specialty malts and hops, Woodcut No. 2 is a golden copper color. The rich toffee- like malt character is balanced by soft tannins. Freshly cut wood and vanilla bean aromas compliment the beer’s smooth finish.
Odell Brewing Co. – Woodcut No. 2 Oak Aged Golden Ale – 750 ml bottle poured into a goblet. 11% abv.
Appearance: Pours an orange amber, a bit cloudy, letting enough light through to see its beautiful hue. The head was bright white and subsided to a foamy froth.
Aroma: Mango, oak, peaches, caramel, and turbinado sugar.
Taste: Oak, mildly spicy bitter hops, brown sugar, a layer of dark booze, and a caramel finish. While I started this beer out slightly chilled, once I let it warm up, it became insanely warm and boozy.
Mouthfeel: Thick and smooth.
Overall: Amazingly good, seems spicer than the last recipe, I would love to get my hands on more to age. Lots of complexities, and I would imagine more flavors coming out in 6 months. This beer is worth it’s hefty pricetag of $24.99. If you can only get one bottle, get it, and save it for after Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.
June 17, 2009 @ 10:43 am
Nice. I got to sample this beer at Savor last month. Definitely one of the more interesting beers I had that day, I really enjoyed it!