Flying Dog K-9 Cruiser Winter Ale
From Flying Dog – English Strong Ale with a malty taste, unique and different, a true Flying Dog original.
Flying Dog Brewery – Flying Dog K-9 Cruiser Winter Ale – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 7.4% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark amber with a clear body. No head, just a ran pin stripe with some tan swirls.
Aroma: A marzen like breadiness, fruity esters, juicy fruit.
Taste: Dark crusty bread, raisin sweetness, light euro hop spice in the lingering spicy finish.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied . carbonation bitey.
Overall: Solid malty brew. Very easy to drink for 7.4%, so I can see this because a dangerous hit at a holiday party.