Cigar City Legacy
From Cigar City – The legacy of a place is determined by its ability to maintain a standard of excellence over a tried and true length of time. This is also true of a person, a fine wine, or a well crafted beer. In this bottle, we offer you a glimpse of what brewing perfection can lend to the legacy of Bern’s Steak House. This bottle contains an Enlgish-style Barley Wine-style ale aged in a bourbon barrel. This complex, rich ale can age for an indeterminate amount of time and showcase its legacy for many years to come.
Cigar City Brewing – Cigar City Legacy – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. abv. unknown, estimate 10-13% abv.
Appearance: Pours leather brown with a pin stripe of tan.
Aroma: Bourbon, brown sugar, caramel, dark fruit.
Taste: Bourbon, big barrel, brown sugar, chocolate covered caramel, sweet cherry. Finishes boozy.
Mouthfeel: Hot, full bodied. Modest carbonation.
Overall: Pretty delicious. It’s big and boozy for sure. While it may be a little hot for you, I wouldn’t lay this down longer than a year personally, even though it will probably hold up for a while.