BrewDog Atlantic IPA
James Watt, BrewDog’s Head of Stuff, said “Today the term IPA has lost its meaning and UK brewers mainly use it to describe beers which are neither particularly hoppy or high in alcohol, Duecher’s IPA at 3.8% being a prime example of the complete butchering of the style. It’s sad to see the great IPA heritage in this country come to stand for nothing more than a sparingly hopped low ABV blonde session ale. “We wanted to take the style back to its roots and we have created the first genuine, commercially available IPA for 2 centuries. Going beyond the realms of what would normally be deemed possible in order to deliver is what we’re all about at Brew Dog. We’re constantly pushing ourselves to come up with audacious, unusual and cool concepts and Atlantic IPA is definitely the most ambitious brew project we’ve accomplished to date.”
BrewDog – Atlantic IPA – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 8.5% abv. Please Click the image to the right to see the entire label, it’s beautiful.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy, yeasty amber with a awesome looking fluffy foamy white head.
Aroma: A strong whiff of earthy Euro hops and an equal sized amount of sweet and spicy malts.
Taste: Starts with a subtle bitterness, followed by a moderate amount of caramel malts and a layer of roasty chocolate notes.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and slightly creamy.
Overall: To date, the best BrewDog beer I have had. I enjoyed the character the beer had in its appearance and taste. I’d love a bomber or 6 pack of this stuff, hopefully BrewDog can ramp up production on this.
August 4, 2011 @ 6:22 pm
Enjoyed this beer today for IPA day. Matched it against Full Tun Brewing’s Pacific IPA. FT was the winner by nose. This is a very good beer by Brew Dog though. Better then the crazy beers they make like Tactical Nuclear Penguin. That is a good beer, but this one is well balanced and excellent to drink. I also get notes of salt from the sea air that the barrels were exposed to on their six week sojourn.