Mama's Little Yella Pils Haiku Contest Winner!
In the middle of February til the 1st of March, and Oskar Blues Brewing held a contest to promote the newest canned offering from Oskar Blues Brewing, Mama’s Little Yella Pils.
To recap, we had a give- away of a large schwag bag full of Oskar Blues Prizes that included, but did not limit to tshirts, posters, beer coozies, beer flavored lip balm, and a pint glass. All the readers of had to do is write a haiku poem incorporating love for good canned beer.
Our reader Todd C of San Diego, CA was picked the winner by Oskar Blues Brewing. Here is Todd’s simple, yet great winning Haiku Poem,
one more champ is born
Mama’s Little Yellow Pils
the can concept wins
TheFullPint would like to extend its thanks to the readers/contestants of this party, as well as Oskar Blues Brewing.
Marty of Oskar Blues would like you all to know Mama’s is rolling out across the land now to our various states. Just in time for warm weather quaffing.
Follow this link to read all of the Beer Haiku’s Submitted for the contest.
Follow this link to read the original press release announcing Mama’s Little Yella Pils
April 14, 2010 @ 8:35 pm
Little yellow pills
flow like water over the lips
into oblivion
alas, I arrive late
March 16, 2009 @ 11:32 pm
Congrats Todd C! You nailed it.