Let's Help RateBeer.com
In the brewing world, there is much camaraderie. Whether it be on a recipe collaboration, or lending out some facility space, the brewers, in general are there for each other. The beer news world should not be any different.
For the past two months, RateBeer.com has fallen victim to Internet based attacks. While we don’t have a clear picture as to what is happening, it appears ratebeer.com’s web server was compromised, then attacked with malware from the inside out. Just a few weeks ago, it was so bad, that Google took measures to deter visitors from entering their website. To go on the record, I am a member of that website, and find it to be the best beer rating site in the industry.
While this is only one beer site’s opinion, I would like to suggest a fund raiser that would allow for RateBeer.com to pay for a secure, managed hosting solution. The amount of traffic ratebeer gets would make this an expensive task, but a worthwhile one, none the less. This kind of donation would ensure that your years worth of ratings would be safe and secure for years to come.
Here is an excerpt from Joe Tucker.
I need some help!
So far I haven’t found a soul who can help. If you can help, please shoot me an email at joet @ ratebeer.com.
I have recently been laid off, so I am a bit on the hurting for cash side. Anyone who can help here would be greatly appreciated. PayPal donations to [email protected] would be greatly appreciated.
p.s. thanks for all your support and understanding.
November 18, 2008 @ 10:46 am
So, who do we contact if we can actually help?
November 5, 2008 @ 1:37 am
Thanks Dan.