Flying Dog Brewery Pulls Out of 13 States
Flying Dog Brewery, formerly of Denver, CO, now residing in Frederick, MD has announced they will be pulling out of 13 states (listed below). According to our contact, it will be the entire state, not just regions within the listed states.
We want to hear what you think about this, so please feel free to leave a comment. Cheers, TFP
As local demand for Flying Dog beers continues to soar, we are concentrating our distribution in our home markets. This is no doubt dissapointing news, but is a necessary decision and consistent with the new age of craft beer and the focus on local markets. This announcement was sent out last week to our distributors in the following states:
New Mexico
While this is, without a doubt, disappointing news to these wholesalers, it is in line with what we (and others) believe is the new world of craft beer.
It is also worth noting that amidst this decision, Flying Dog sales nationwide are up 48% overall for the year and up 72% in our local markets.
June 16, 2011 @ 1:57 pm
Sorry to all the fans in the states listed. But, to help understand, those local markets are very important for the longterm success of the specific brewery and to the craft market in general. Maybe as the company grows they can move back into your market. We had this situation in my hometown recently, as our local brewer (Cigar City) gained national recognition, the demand for their beers outgrew their ability to produce enough beer (proof of a good product)and locally it became hard to find. Not a situation anyone wants. But, production increases slowly to keep the product consistent, and slowly the market can expand while keeping the hometown crowd appeased. Be patient and let the brewer know you want their product in your market. In the meantime, try some beers you haven’t yet, alot of good stuff on the market these days.
June 9, 2011 @ 5:26 am
It’s hard to find fault with a company that scales back distribution in order to better serve its core market. This is great in the big scheme of things. First off it means that the craft beer industry is growing rapidly. Second, it means that more emphasis is being placed on local markets than national ones. With Flying Dog scaling back distribution, this allows a more local brewery to pick up the slack.
June 8, 2011 @ 11:03 pm
What does this mean? What kind of World?
June 8, 2011 @ 9:28 pm
Seriously? How is this “consistent with the new age of craft beer and the focus on local markets”? Being a fan in Arizona, I’m disappointed.
So the trend in craft beer is to just focus locally? Does this mean Flying Dog will only be available in Maryland now? or the “local market” regional?
Here’s another good question… what markets WILL Flying Dog be available in?
June 8, 2011 @ 9:29 am