Green Flash West Coast IPA Wins Best of Show at S.D. County Fair!
Craft Brewers Competition & Festival, San Diego County Fair
Professional brewers from around the world competed in the second annual Craft Brewers Competition & Festival. This year’s best-of-show beer was West Coast IPA (India Pale Ale) made by Green Flash Brewing Co. of Vista.
The Best of Show award was announced June 21 at the Chevrolet Del Mar Arena, in front of thousands of visitors and a total of 104 local, regional, national and international breweries that participated this year.
Click Here for a complete list of all the winners
July 9, 2008 @ 7:53 am
I couldn’t dig up a list of all participants but here is a list of all the winning beers.
July 9, 2008 @ 6:48 am
I wonder if all of the beers that were in this county fair competition were all local beers. Anyone know where the list of entries for this contest are available?