Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Eve With Yards Brewing
We’re green 365 days a year.
Sure, like other brewers we could use green food coloring to make a green beer. But we’d rather make ours the natural way — with 100% wind power. That’s right, all of our beers are brewed with clean, renewable energy. Enjoy them all this Saint Patrick’s Day. Just be responsible about it.
Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Eve With Yards Brewing.
High Street Grill; Mount Holly, NJ at 7 pm.
As luck would have it, we have plans. Tom and the team are crossing the Delaware and heading to the isle of Jersey to tap a firkin of Brawler with our good friends and craft beer pioneers at the High Street Grill in Mt. Holly, NJ.
Tours of the greenest brewery in Pennsylvania are available every Saturday from noon till
4pm, on the hour.
Our Tasting Room is open from noon to 7pm Monday thru Saturday and Sunday from noon
to 4pm for six-packs, cases, kegs, and pints.