Widmer Brothers Rotator IPA Series – Falconer’s IPA
From Widmer Brothers – Glen Falconer was passionate about friends, familly, and great IPAs. So in tribute, we’ve created an IPA worth of this master brewer. Made with Falconer’s Flight hops from Hopunion, LLC, a blend named for Glen himself. The result is a bright, moderately bitter IPA with stonefruit aromas and a strong malt backbone. We think Glen would approved. Proceeds from the sale of Falconer’s Flight hops go to the Glen Hay Falconer Foundation, providing scholarships to professional and aspiring brewers. In addition, Widmer Brothers Brewing is making a donation to grant two additional scholarships. Learn more at www.glenfalconerfoundation.org. Prost! To true hop heads.
Widmer Brothers Rotator IPA Series – Falconer’s IPA – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 7% abv.
Appearance: Pours a clear copper with a quickly subsided head.
Aroma: Floral and citrus scents. Slight toffee.
Taste: Bitter piny hops, and earthy bitterness. A little soapy. Lingering bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Thin with prickly carb.
Overall: I enjoyed the First Rotator IPA with Citra Hops (X-114) much more than this. The aroma and body was lacking. I’m picky about my IPA.
October 30, 2011 @ 4:03 pm
Thanks for the review, I thoroughly enjoy the Rotator X-114 so much. Also very picky about IPA’s.