Weyerbacher Quad
From Weyerbacher – Grand Champion in the 2000, and again in 2004 at United States Beer Tasting Championship, Weyerbacher QUAD was the first quadrupel style beer to be commercially brewed and bottled in the United States. In December 2002 QUAD won Mid-Atlantic Champion at the USBTC for the third year in a row.
Weyerbacher Brewing – Weyerbacher Quad – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 11.9% abv. From Joe in PA!
Appearance: Pours an iced tea brown with no head.
Aroma: Dark fruit, spice, light bubble gum/banana and fruity yeast.
Taste: Spicy fruity yeast, candi sugar, dark fruit and booze.
Mouthfeel: A bit hot and fizzy.
Overall: A great complex sipper that should get amazing with a few years on it.