Uinta Crooked Line Detour Double India Pale Ale
From Uinta – Detour blazes the trail for fresh and bold Double IPAs. Four varieties of hops combine to step up the flavor profile. A hoppy adventure that finishes dry. Big in alcohol and character. Venture to pair with other spirited flavors such as those found in spicy ethnic foods.
Uinta Brewing – Uinta Crooked Line Detour Double IPA – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 9.5% abv. From 38 Degrees Alehouse Alhambra, CA.
Appearance: Pours a vibrant amber with a fluffy soapy white head that leaves behind a gang of lace.
Aroma: Candied grapefruit, pepper and resinous pine.
Taste: Big bitter hops, crystal malt, alcohol and toffee.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, rough, modest carbonation.
Overall: Not sure if this is a big west coast Barleywine or DIPA, but its big, hoppy, bold, not too sweet. The thing is, it’s way to hot(alcohol) to enjoy today, and would do much better in a month or 3.
June 8, 2011 @ 10:25 am
I thought the same thing, I can definitely get a lot of alcohol taste, and was to much for me. I’ve had DIPA/IIPA’s that had equal or more ABV. and were way more smooth. Especially half way down the bottle. The first drink was ok, then as I got into it toward the bottem, I didnt really even want to finish it. More of a sweet, burnt, toasty malt for me. It was ok.