Three Floyds Robert The Bruce
From Three Floyds – A bold Scottish ale with a complex malty body derived from roasted and crystal malts balanced with just the right combination of hops. This ale pours a deep ruby color, has a sweet malty nose with layered caramel and roasted notes and a full body. Robust yet smooth, Robert The Bruce is a malt lover’s delight.
Three Floyds Brewing – Robert The Bruce – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 6.5% abv. From trade online.
Appearance: Pours a black iced tea color with a small head, that quickly subsides to nothing.
Aroma: Slight but distinct smokey peat, sweet bready grain and cola.
Taste: Smokey peat, cola, bitter hops and finishes bready with burnt sugar.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with modest carbonation.
Overall: A really nice medium bodied malty beer with a little kick to it.