Three Floyds Gumballhead
From Three Floyds Brewing – An American Wheat Ale, Gumballhead is named in honor of the underground comic book cat created by Rob Syers. Initially a seasonal summer beer, now brewed year round due to demand. This beer helped redefine American Wheat Beers. Brewed with Amarillo Hops and a generous portion of American red wheat, Gumballhead has a complex hop aroma with notes of grapefruit, lemon zest, marmalade and peach. These flavors combined with low bitterness make Gumballhead a refreshing American Wheat Beer that doesn’t suck.
Three Floyds Brewing – Gumballhead – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 4.8% abv. From Josh in Indiana!
Appearance: Pours a cloudy, yellow gold with only a small gathering of white head.
Aroma: Citrus, fresh saw dust, and sweet grain.
Taste: Light fruit, and a decent amount of husky grain, finishing with some nice spicy bitter hops. The hopping isn’t overwhelming, but it’s there.
Mouthfeel: Thin and fizzy. This is deceptive when you look at this cloudy beer, you think its going to be quite thick.
Overall: A fantastic, charismatic beer. I think I could drink many of these in a session.