The Bruery Jardinier
From The Bruery – Jardiner, which is French for “gardner”, was inspired by the fresh, thirst quenching beers on the Belgian dinner table. A perfect beer for any occasion, casual or ornate. A bright and flavorful table beer with an assertive hop character.
The Bruery – The Bruery Jardinier – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 4.9% abv.
Appearance: Pours a hazy pastel honey mustard with a soap sudsy head that quickly subsides.
Aroma: Fresh clover, white pepper, flowers. This comes across as unique to The Bruery strain of Belgian style yeast I’m used to smelling.
Taste: Grassy hops, modest Belgian yeast spice, finishes with a peppery hop kick and slight lip smacking tartness.
Mouthfeel: Thin but sturdy, lively carbonation.
Overall: Highly drinkable, highly refreshing, tons of character. This is a welcomed addition to The Bruery’s high gravity dominate lineup.