The Bruery Humulus Lager
From The Bruery – Humulus Lager is an India Pale Lager brewed with 4 lbs. of hops per barrel and weighing in at 7.2% ABV. This beer is all about the hops– the lager yeast allows the hops to be in the forefront.
The Bruery – Humulus Lager – Sample poured at the source. 7.2% abv.
Appearance: Pours a golden orange with a small stripe of white.
Aroma: Danky bud, fresh herbs, wet grass and perfume. Just a big crazy whiff of all sorts of hops, really.
Taste: Very big bitter mouthful of bitter astringent hops. The malt comes across very dry in the finish.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and slightly sticky.
Overall: I enjoyed the aroma, but it was tongue curlingly bitter. My tongue was numb for 30 minutes after this! Fun, but I missed the malt balance I was looking for. I know that isn’t what was intended, but that’s how I feel.
October 3, 2009 @ 12:43 pm
I loved the Bruery’s Humulus Lager and hope that it is bottled. It is hands down the best smelling beer i have ever had. I remember that first smell at Papago Brewing and it was amazing to say the least.