The Alchemist Heady Topper
From The Alchemist (Pub and Brewery)- Heady Topper is our double I.P.A.! Loaded with hops, this one will put hair on your chest. ABV 8% IBU 120.
Alchemist Pub and Brewery – The Alchemist Headdy Topper – 16 oz. can poured into a goblet. 8% abv. From online trade. Thanks Ashley.
Appearance: Pours a dull hazy amber gold. Holding it up to the light you will see particulate matter suspended throughout. Atop sits a thin swirly white film.
Aroma: Grapefruit pine ,tropical fruit It’s pine dominant.
Taste: Bitter bouquet of piny cutrusy hop flavor. Slight toffee and spicy malt. A little fruity with a sturdy bitter finish.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied. Very carbonated.
Overall: I love this beer. I tried drinking it from the can, as The Alchemist suggests, but it’s just not good for business. While very cloudy, with particulate matter floating around, you get to know the beer way better from different temperatures not to mention it’s no fun trying to stick your beak inside of an aluminum can. As many a fat girl or ugly guy has said “it’s what’s on the inside that counts.” In the case of Heady Topper, the inside is amazing.
December 5, 2011 @ 11:14 am
The one beer that not only lives up to the hype, but surpasses it. Perfection. This WILL be part of the top 5 in the world, come 2012.