Surly Doomtree
From Surly Brewing – Surly started with some homebrewing in a garage. Doomtree started with some noisemaking in a basement. Careful what you do in your spare time in your spare rooms, man. That stuff just might take over your whole life. A decade later, Doomtree meets Surly. Instant crush. We’re both indie and strong-willed. We love Minnesota and we’re allergic to focus groups. We don’t have a formal professional outfit between us. We convene at the brewery to scheme. Working in extreme secrecy, we decided to make a beer team Surly suggests, a “bastardized style” that will build on a classic, but buck convention. Doomtree cannot nod vigorously enough. We know this style. Guided by instinct, we came up with this dark gold, toasty, aromatic, subtly spicy, bitter enough, dry-hopped brew. Best enjoyed cold, in a spare room, with new friends.
Surly Brewing – Surly Doomtree – 16 oz. can poured into a pint glass. 5.7% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dense, dull, dark rusty amber with a film of white swirls a top.
Aroma: Ripe honeydew like hops, lightly toasted bread, herbal hops.
Taste: Toasty malt. Citrusy and spicy hop bouquet, melon rind. Lingering bitterness. A Copper IPA!?
Mouthfeel: Drying, spicy, prickly. Medium bodied with lively carbonation.
Overall: I didn’t look up what style it was, and didn’t pay attention to what the ABV said on the can. I went into this beer blind, and enjoy this immensely. Very drinkable, very balanced, while hoppy enough for my constant hop cravings.