Stone 16th Anniversary IPA – A First Look
From Stone – This year our brewing team was inspired by some exotic-ish additions of the lemony persuasion. Yes, it’s a Double IPA (can you really say you’re surprised?), but as we strive to do with all our Stone Anniversary Ales of the let’s-take-this-IPA-in-a-new-direction variety, we’ve brewed up a Stone-worthy divergence from tradition. The amount of rye malt we used isn’t quite enough to warrant the appellation “Rye IPA,” but it still adds hints of spiciness that contrast deliciously with the tropical fruit flavors and aromas of the Amarillo and Calypso hops. Add a few European specialty malts, some lemon verbena, and three more hop varieties to the mix, and you have a highly complex brew melding both bitter and fruity hop notes with rich toasted malt character punctuated by nuances of spicy rye and subtle lemon.
Stone Brewing Co. – Stone 16th Anniversary IPA – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 10% abv.
Appearance: Pours an amber orange with a retaining thin cap of white. Leaves behind great lacing.
Aroma: Huge grapefruit and wet wood. Pine and mellon rind.
Taste: Grapefruit, ginger, earthy spicy bitterness. Finishes dry and hoppy, maybe a touch astringent too.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, average carbonation.
Overall: This beer is very unique to all the other IPAs Stone has released over the years. This is earthy, spicy, woody, but most importantly still super bitter the way I like it. Please follow my lead and get to know this beer over the next month or so. I’ve found there is so much complex flavor locked into the bomber, that it can take up to a month to settle in. This is one man’s opinion, based on no scientific data of course, so either way, those looking for a dry unique double IPA won’t be disappointed.