Southampton Cuvee des Fleurs
From Southampton – Southampton Cuvee des Fleurs is a special Saison-style brew lightly flavored with a blend of edible flowers including English Lavender (L. angustifolia), Roman chamomile (A. nobilis), Marigold (C. officinalis), Dog Rose (R. canina) and of course, H. lupulus.
Southampton Brewing – Southampton Cuvee des Fleurs – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 8.2% abv.
Appearance: Pours a fairly clear gold with a white ring.
Aroma: Banana and flowers.
Taste: Yeasty,banana, clove. Alcohol well hidden.
Mouthfeel: Thin with low carbonation.
Overall: Clean, refreshing. A very subtle ellegant, tasty beer.