Sierra Nevada Estate Homegrown Ale
From Sierra Nevada – From our fields comes a remarkable homegrown ale, made with organic wet hops and barley grown at our brewery here in Chico and one of the few estate-made ales produced anywhere in the world!
Sierra Nevada Brewing – Sierra Nevada Estate Homegrown Ale – 22 oz. bottle, wax dipped – Poured into a goblet. 6.7% abv. Purchased at Bevmo Pasadena, CA.
Appearance: Pours a vibrant copper with a picture perfect white head that’s reduced to a frothy thin cap. Leaves behind lots of lacing.
Aroma: Big grassy hops, a little grapefruit and a subtle layer of sweet malt.
Taste: Abrasive bitter hops, sticky sweet malt, orange and grapefruit.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, sticky, moderate carbonation.
Overall: A wonderful treat.
November 22, 2010 @ 6:25 pm
I love this beer but I’ve taken a pounding because I raised a question about the cost increase (originally Chico Estate at $3.99 two years ago). I give you credit Dan, for raising the question in very courteous manner to Bill Manly. I wasn’t thrilled with his response.
Upon release, I find this ale needs a few weeks in the bottle before it starts to come together and strut its stuff. And I do find this years offering more subdued and elegant than last years. I attribute this to the raw materials that were available undoubtably as a result of this season’s weather conditions.