Sierra Nevada Beer Camp Hoppy Lager
From Sierra Nevada – Last summer we teamed up with San Diego’s Ballast Point for a hop-head twist on a crisp lager. We remixed this encore which is loaded with whole cone hops in the brew kettle and in our Hop Torpedo to deliver a bold aroma backed by smooth malt flavor.
Sierra Nevada Brewing – Sierra Nevada Beer Camp Hoppy Lager – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 7% abv.
Appearance: Pours a clear amber tinted gold. Modest cap of white foam a top.
Aroma: Awesome bright citrus like hop nose, some perfumy Euro hops and some bready malt notes.
Taste: Tangerine, biscuit malt, earthy bitter finish.
Mouthfeel: Clean, crisp, juicy, average carbonation.
Overall: Perfection! An early beer of the year contender, and dangerous at 7% abv.