Samuel Adams Octoberfest
From Boston Beer Co (Makers of Samuel Adams) – The first thing you notice when pouring a glass of this seasonal beer is the color. Samuel Adams® Octoberfest has a rich, deep golden amber hue which itself is reflective of the season. Samuel Adams® Octoberfest is a malt lover’s dream, masterfully blending together five roasts of barley to create a delicious harmony of sweet flavors including caramel and toffee. The beer is kept from being overly sweet by the elegant bitterness imparted by the German Noble hops. Samuel Adams® Octoberfest provides a wonderful transition from the lighter beers of summer to the winter’s heartier brews.
From TFP Dan: As my palate grows, and I try more and more beer, I like to come back to the beer that really started it all for me.
Samuel Adams Octoberfest – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 5.4% abv. Purchased at Whole Foods Market Pasadena, CA
Appearance: Pours a dark clear amber, with a decent sized foamy head. While the head subsides, lots of lacing is left on the glass. Within the body, you can see a decent amount of rising bubbles.
Aroma: Light whiffs of bread, dark sugar sweetness and spicy Euro hops.
Taste: Dry breadiness, caramel, finished by a light mixture of bitter, earthy hops.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied.
Overall: Can’t say a bad thing about this beauty of a beer.