Review – Samuel Adams Winter Lager
Samuel Adams: The first thing one notices in a Samuel Adams® Winter Lager is its color: the deep brown of winter. Then comes the magical aroma which promises something special on the tongue. The warm aroma of cinnamon and ginger which blends with the roasty sweetness of the malted barley and hint of citrus from the orange peel.
Boston Beer Co. – Samuel Adams Winter Lager, 2008. 12 oz bottle poured into a pint glass. 5.8% abv.
Appearance: A clear, dark amber with a 1/8 inch off-white head. Very light visible carbonation. As you sip it, you will notice that no lace is left behind.
Aroma: Caramelized wheat, bread crust.
Taste: Bitter hops, burnt sugar. Finishes with a slight twang that accentuates the bitter hopping.
Mouthfeel: Fizzy, spicy, and thinner than I remember from years past.
Overall: Way better than regular Samuel Adams Boston Lager, tasted way fresh, but I would pass on this for other Winter Warmers, Holiday Beers. There used to be a lore that went around, that suggested that Samuel Adam’s tweaks their Oktoberfest and Winter Lager each year, and some years, even go back to favored recipes.
May 21, 2011 @ 11:41 am
Sam Adams Winter Lager is my absolute favorite beer!! I usually stock up at the end of February and it lasts until May. Now that its gone for awhile, can someone recommend something similar thats not seasonal? Thanks!
December 17, 2008 @ 1:13 pm
I was first exposed late in the game to Sammy Winter Lager when I picked it up recently. I at first figured it was some sort of traditional bock, but I wasn’t trying to “evaluate” it. I later noticed on the label that it is a wheat beer, but it’s sure not at the strength of a weizenbock. I’m gonna have to crack one open and give it the good ‘ol BJCP go-over 🙂