Review – Samuel Adams Imperial White
From the makers of Samuel Adams – Samuel Adams® Imperial White is a new perspective on the classic witbier style. Witbiers are normally light and refreshing with a fruity finish and we wanted to see how these characteristics would stand up when we amped up the recipe. We were totally blown away by the flavors that were created by this beer.
Boston Beer Co. – Samuel Adams Imperial White – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 10.3% abv. Purchased at Beverages and More Pasadena, CA.
Appearance: A hazy, cloudy light iced-tea clor. A thin, tight knit layer of suds sits atop.
Aroma: Bazooka Bubble Gum or Dubble Bubble from a far. Upon closer investigation, I can smell a bit of wheaty grain, but mostly fruity bubble gummy yeast.
Taste: Bananas, bubble gum, caramel, and a dose of bitter hops in the middle and finish.
Mouthfeel: Thick, almost syrupy.
Overall: Too sweet and heavy to drink more than one of these ever. I’ll give a nod to the 10.3 % abv.
January 10, 2011 @ 7:20 pm
I agree, Eric.
It starts out pretty good, but as it starts to warm, it does get very boozy.
I do not get the banana or clove. At all.
April 14, 2009 @ 4:25 pm
Dan, let me know if it’s worth picking up the Imperial Stout (or even the regular Cream Stout). I’m always afraid of picking up Sam as the only thing I like of theirs is the Octoberfest.
April 9, 2009 @ 10:51 am
Too boozy for my taste, it’s interesting but just doesn’t work too much for me. The Double Bock & Impy Stout are much better IMO. Couldn’t drink much of it.
Now, if only they would follow the lead of Bell’s Batch 8000 or Southampton’s Double White…