Review – Brown’s Brewing Oatmeal Stout
Review – Brown’s Brewing Oatmeal Stout
5.5% abv
Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a chilled pint glass.
Opaque midnight black with vague red highlights just barely shining through. Not much head when poured, with only a sliver of light tan foam perched on top.
Roasted malts and sweet smells from the grains. Not much hop smell, as is typical with this style.
Incredibly sweet with flavors of home-cooked oatmeal and delicious caramel. Definitely some bitter chocolate notes hidden under the sweets – makes a nice well-balanced beer.
Rich, thick and chewy. Goes down smooth and creamy without much carbonation.
This is the other beer that Kelly Brown sent to sample and I was glad she did. Thank you. I am fond of stouts and enjoy the richer, bolder flavors found in well-made stouts. This beer was no different. The complex roasted flavors and smells made me fall right in love.