Pliny The Younger Tasting Notes (2013)
From Russian River – Pliny the Younger, the man, was Pliny the Elder’s nephew and adopted son. They lived nearly 2,000 years ago! Pliny the Elder is our Double IPA, so we felt it was fitting to name our Triple IPA after his son. It is almost a true Triple IPA with triple the amount of hops as a regular I.P.A. That said, it is extremely difficult, time and space consuming, and very expensive to make. And that is why we don’t make it more often! This beer is very full-bodied with tons of hop character in the nose and throughout. It is also deceptively well-balanced and smooth.
Russian River Brewing – Pliny The Younger Vintage 2013 – On tap at 38 Degrees Ale House – Poured into a goblet. 10.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a slightly hazy amber gold with a thin bubbly film atop.
Aroma: Papaya, pine,mango, grapefruit. Very pungeont.
Taste: Huge pine, grapefruit. Dry malt. A little malt sweetness as well. Finishes long and bitter. Lingers.
Mouthfeel: Less smooth than last years,much more bitey. Deceptively crisp and drinkable. Modest carbonation.
Overall: A remarkable showcase of hops. Last years batch seemed smoother and perceptively maltier. This batch seemed a little dryer and snappier. The nose is something amazing and the intense mouthful of hops just blows you away. Well done!
February 19, 2013 @ 6:59 pm
Really missed the mark with this yrs PTY. Worst showing in yrs
February 19, 2013 @ 6:56 pm
This yrs PTY is definitely not as good as previous yrs. They seemed to want to try something different for 2013, and I hate to say, missed the mark