Perennial Saison de Lis
From Perennial Artisan Ales – Saison de Lis–Belgian-Style Saison brewed with Chamomile Flowers
Perennial Artisan Ales – Perennial Saison de Lis – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a bright yellow with a big retaing fluffy white head.
Aroma: Floral notes, perfumy yeast profile, citrus. Wonderful.
Taste: Chamomille, biscuit malt, spicy Euro hops, bitter slightly metallic finish.
Mouthfeel: Meduim bodied high, active carbonation.
Overall: Darn near perfect. I don’t like strong saisons, I’d call this a sessionable one. The chamomile is there, but not the dominate flavor.
January 6, 2014 @ 1:26 pm
Been there, and had that Saison, I agree 100%. The best Saison I’ve had.