Odell Deconstruction
From Odell Brewing – 44% Ale, 33% Ale aged in oak, 20% in Bourbon and 3% in Wine Bottles – A Method of brewing based on isolating first principals and making pronounced through pilot brewing the desired elements that contribute to the overall flavor. A Golden Ale created by blending the final recipe with its own barrel aged pilot beers fermented with wild yeasts. Each individual barrel contributes a unique flavor from the wood chosen and the cultures resident to achieve subtle complexities that develop(ed) over time. A beer which starts sweet, filling the mouth with fruit-like esters and a mild spiciness, changing to a tart and lingering flavor reminiscent of grapefruit living amidst an earthy, citrusy hop aroma. Define flavor for yourself in this constantly evolving liquid expression.
Odell Brewing – Odell Deconstruction – 750 ml bottle poured into a goblet. 10.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a bright amber orange with a picturesque sudsy white head.
Aroma: Big funk, bourbon, oak,vanilla, chamomile.
Taste: Sour twang, oak, funk, vanilla, finishes spicy and tannic.
Mouthfeel: Creamy and syrupy.
Overall: Very nice, very complex. Seemed to be still fermenting in the bottle. It was very lively, and super tasty.