New Belgium Lips of Faith Biere de Mars
From New Belgium Brewing – For the first time in three years we are pleased to offer one of our favorite harbingers of spring, Biere de Mars. With earthy tones of ripe mango and lemon verbena, this bottle-conditioned ale reflects the hearty character of the southern Belgian and northern French countrysides. Brewed with barley, oats and wheat malt, Biere de Mars’ celestial orange hue inspired the planetary play on words. Brettanomyces, a wild yeast strain, added for bottle-conditioning creates a refreshingly sour flash across the palate. Lemon peel coupled with the lemon verbena imparts fruitlike character and a citrusy finish.
New Belgium Brewing – Lips of Faith Biere de Mars – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 6.2% abv.
Appearance: Pours an orange amber with almost no head.
Aroma: Soiled diaper, spices like cinnamon and nutmeg and bread yeast.
Taste: Clove, cinnamon, bread crust, mild bitter hops with a small fruity finish.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, low carbonation.
Overall: Interesting, pretty drinkable, has a unique aroma for sure. I’m developing a weird relationship with Brettanomyces.
May 11, 2010 @ 2:30 pm
i usually choose diaper bags which are made of recyclable materials to help the environment not just your babies.:”: