Nectar Ales Black Xantus
From Firestone Walker (Brewers of Nectar Ales) – Black Xantus will definitely be an “odd bird” with chocolate, espresso, bourbon aromas and flavors and over 10% alcohol by volume, a slight departure from the session beers that Nectar has been known for. Local Paso Robles area coffee roaster, Jobella, was sourced to provide the organic, fair-trade coffee infused into this special brew.
Nectar Ales (Brewed by Firestone Walker) – Black Xantus – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 11% abv. (The graphic shows 13%, the bottle I have says 11)
Appearance: Pours a midnight brown with a sturdy 1/8 inch layer of tan froth a top.
Aroma: Mild whiffs of roasted malts, burnt malts and bourbon notes.
Taste: Bourbon whiskey, chocolate, roasted malts, burnt malts, and charred oak.
Mouthfeel: Creamy, fluffy, and moderately fizzy.
Overall: A balanced bourbon barrel aged beer. The roast and the booze are in harmony. I know coffee is in this recipe, but I didn’t get much of that. I still very content despite not discovering explicit coffee notes.
November 4, 2009 @ 8:43 pm
Who do you have to blow to get a bottle of this shit?
October 19, 2009 @ 11:45 am
Sounds good! I don’t like beers that have an overpowering coffee taste. This one tastes like it has a lot of balance.