Midnight Sun Barfly
From Midnight Sun – Smoked Imperial Stout. Part of the 2010 Pop Ten Series.
Midnight Sun Brewing – Midnight Sun Barfly – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 12.6 % abv.
Appearance: Pours a very dark brown with a creamy tan cap of froth. Leaves behind a brown coating.
Aroma: Smokey roasted malt, bourbon and dark fruit.
Taste: Light roast, bourbon, dark chocolate. Finishes rather sweet and dessert-like.
Mouthfeel: Thick, creamy and warming.
Overall: Pretty fantastic, of the same ilk as Berserker. The smoke didn’t carry through to the flavor as I had hoped, but it’s still a home run in my book of beer stats.
July 8, 2011 @ 11:23 am
Is that barrel aged