Maui Brewing Mana Wheat
From Maui Brewing – Fresh handcrafted Belgian Wheat brewed with organic wheat, malted barley, coriander and fresh Maui Gold pineapple.
Maui Brewing Co. – Maui Brewing Mana Wheat – 12 oz. can poured into a goblet. 4.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy amber orange that starts with a huge head that subsides to nearly no head at all.
Aroma: Huge Belgian yeast nose with a background of pineapple.
Taste: Earthy,spicy Belgian Tripel yeast, toasted wheat, clove, pine apple.
Mouthfeel: Sticky, full bodied.
Overall: For me, the pineapple balances out the Belgian yeast profile that I usually don’t like in a Belgian Wit or Tripel. Great twist on a style that is easily played out.