Magic Hat Vinyl
From Magic Hat – Vinyl sails in on her shining wings as the spinning sun returns. She is the season-shifter, bursting from her cocoon to sing the ancient song of vernal yearning and to summon spring’s sweet green return… Her metamorphosis becomes our own. Her thirsts are shared by all. Drink in her mysterious elixir as the revolution blooms again…
Magic Hat Brewing – Magic Hat Vinyl – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 5.1% abv.
Appearance: Pours a hazy copper with a dense small white head atop.
Aroma: Faint sweet malt, bran cereal.
Taste: Toasty sweet malt, spicy hops. Finishes toasty and a touch fruity.
Mouthfeel: Very thin, almost watery with a moderate level of bubbles.
Overall: A non-offensive light toasty lager.