Magic Hat G-Thing
From Magic Hat Brewing – G-Thing! is a Ginger Spice Ale led by a fresh ginger zing that’s followed by a bready malt backbone. Its subtle roasty notes and mild hop bitterness slowly give way to a serene cinnamon spiciness as the malt tones melt away.
Magic Hat Brewing – Magic Hat G-Thing – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 5.7% abv.
Appearance: Pours dark brown with no head.
Aroma: Mild gingerbread and dark roast. Grain.
Taste: Ginger root, a touch of curry, cola.
Mouthfeel: Thin side of medium bodied. Modest carbonation. Points awarded for a great name/label.
Overall: This beer deserved more body to go along with the sweet holiday spice profile. Over all, it didn’t deliver the goods like most holiday ales do.