Lost Abbey Duck Duck Gooze
From Lost Abbey – In Belgian brewing there are fantastic wild ales brewed with naturally occurring yeast. These beers develop over time and are ready on their own terms. Duck Duck Gooze is our homage to these effervescent and wonderfully complex sparkling beers. A blend of young and old barrel aged beers we expect this to be one of our most sought after beers year after year as it will be released in very small quantities.
Lost Abbey – Lost Abbey Duck Duck Gooze – 750 ml bottle poured into a goblet. 7% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dull cloudy amber gold with a white ring of head.
Aroma: Lemon, funk.
Taste: Lemon, attic, distilled vinegar. Very tart and sour. The malt was very faint and took a backseat to all of this sourness and funk.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, low carb, slightly chunky.
Overall: Very complex, a super bold and puckering sour. As with many complex sours I’ve tried, I can never fully wrap my mind around the beer and report back within tasting notes. I could rank this up with any sour made by Russian River with confidence. I’d like to see this released more often if possible.
September 9, 2010 @ 10:59 am
Yum. I can’t wait to open my last bottle. I’m going to forget about it for 5 or 10 years or so.