Jester King Montmorency VS Balaton
From Jester King Craft Brewery – Montmorency vs Balaton was made from a blend of two different barrel-age sour beers, refermented with a combincation Montmorency and Balaton sour cherries from Michigan. It’s 6.7% alcohol by volume, with a finishing gravity of 1.005 and 3.5 pH.
Jester King Craft Brewery – Jester King Montmorency VS Balaton – 500 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 6.7% abv.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy magenta with visible floating yeast and fruit. White film a top.
Aroma: Big cherry pie filling. Subtle funk.
Taste: Sour and sweet cherry. Wild yeast, mild barrel character. Finishes tart. Low bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Mild carbonation. Full bodied,pretty thick for the style.
Overall: The beer was super tasty. With that said, I’ve tried a few of these amazing Jester King fruited sours, and they are not very sour. For those lucky enough to have multiples, I am curious to know if these beers get more tart or sour with time. I’ll do my best to try and hang on to them longer. Think of New Glarus’ fruit beers, but more rustic.