Jester King / Mikkeller Whiskey Barrel Rodeo
From Jester King – Whiskey Barrel Rodeo (12.0% ABV) is the barrel aged version of Jester King / Mikkeller Weasel Rodeo, an unfiltered, unpasteurized, naturally carbonated Imperial Oatmeal Stout brewed with chipotle peppers, smoked malt and Vietnamese Kopi Luwak Coffee and fermented with farmhouse yeast. After being brewed with Mikkeller at Jester King in November of 2011, Whiskey Barrel Rodeo spent six months aging in whiskey barrels followed by another three months of bottle conditioning.
Jester King Craft Brewery – Jester King / Mikkeller Whiskey Barrel Rodeo – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 12.1% abv.
Appearance: Pours dark brown with a nice fluffy tan head.
Aroma: Smokey roasted malt, bourbon, graham cracker, old dusty books. Chocolate.
Taste: Dark roasted coffee, spicy sweet bourbon, spicy smokey peppers with a woody boozy finish.
Mouthfeel: Warm from peppers and bourbon. Lively carbonation.
Overall: Fantastic due to the great balance between roast, coffee booze and peppers. No component over stepped their boundaries. Not that you need to, but I’d take it to the next level and pair this with some dark chocolate and or a cigar.