Iron HIll Honey Do Wit
From Iron Hill Brewery – The beer’s distinctive, fanciful label design comes from gifted local artist and frequent Iron Hill collaborator Jeff Schaller of PinkCow Studio. Schaller also created the signature wall murals at several Iron Hill locations, as well as the eye-catching 3-D label for last year’s Triple Bock bottled reserve beer.
Iron Hill Brewery – Honey Do Wit – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 10.2% abv.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy, vibrant gold with a white pin stripe for head
Aroma: Fruity Belgian yeast, bready yeast, and some cloves.
Taste: Honey, vanilla, caramel, cloves, spicy hops, fruity yeast.
Mouthfeel: Sticky and sparkly.
Overall: A bold, flavorful beer, and not any particular ingredient over shadowed another. So yeah, bold yet balanced to be sure. Very easy to drink as well.